_Can you share this request ahead?
_* One of the patient at our Maternity Hospital personally requested for this ✍🏻
Few months ago, one of the patient who visited our hospital to avail maternity Services gave us a very important & much required feedback, feedback which I think will help us all to understand things in a more better perspective.
When she visited our Hospital, *_she felt very peaceful, comfortable and relaxed_* noticing the first person till the last one in our Hospital were *all Female.* Starting from *_Reception, Doctors, Nurses, Attendees, Cleaning Staff, etc..._*
After getting done with all procedures, and delivering a Healthy Baby, with Normal Delivery Process, she felt very overwhelmed and gave us a feedback similar to this;
_I wish each & every Hospital across our Beloved Country give us a choice at the time of delivery to select an environment where that environment is completely surrounded by female staffs, doctors, nurses, etc. Because such an environment makes us feel very peaceful, comfortable, and relaxed. And also helps us to stay - Stress Free during our entire journey, which is very critical and sensitive for almost all of us. Indeed, there are experts male doctors too, and few patients may prefer to visit them and get their procedures done there, but for a women like me; I felt more comfortable, peaceful and relaxed in this environment around females where there are all very friendly, compassionate, kind and caring female staffs around._
*_So, I have a sincere request; As I have visited your Maternity Hospital, I personally feel all hospitals should give a choice for females to select which kind of environment they wish to avail. so women like us can choose accordingly, and pass through a very difficult and sensitive phase of our lives very easily & smoothly._*
After receiving this feedback, I felt this is one of the great responsibilities which we need to fulfill, and after listening to this request I felt... Maybe this is the voice of all *_soon to be mothers_* who are looking for availing a peaceful, comfortable and relaxed environment at such a crucial time of their lives!
*Note:* The purpose to share this message is to bring awareness towards something which can positively impact our society, and ensure that the *soon to be mothers* get the best of the environments, which can help them to stay mentally, emotionally, and psychologically stress free during such times. So the child can come into this World with safety & ease.
A Social Worker
Source: received through WhatsApp