All about your sharing in social media:
Here is something that absolutely no one wants to hear,
but it's true,
(In fact, that is probably why they don't want to hear it).
Here it is:
Stop posting your entire life on social media.
Like anything else, social media can be great as long as you use it in moderation.
Here is why it is so bad;
95% of posts are simply people humblebragging.
That picture of you having a great meal in the restaurant is really you saying “I'm here and you are not”
That picture of you all dressed up at that formal event is really you saying “I'm so pretty right now and you are not.”
Is it good to have self esteem? Absolutely! Is it ok to share picture of yourself having fun? You bet!
But, the constant barrage of these posts just make other people feel worse about themselves.
In turn, those people feel the need to post more pictures of themselves to get that validation that they too are special,
…And around and around it goes.
What is the net result? A bunch of people feeling crappy about themselves.
Don't get me wrong, social media can be a great way to share your life with family, friends and loved ones,
But do we really need to see what you ate for breakfast again?
So, the next time your post something, maybe not every time, but once in a while,
…ask yourself this;
Will this make someone else happy? Will this bring some sort of value to others?
If so, then do it!
After all, what good is being social if we can’t all be happy?
Marc Stevenson
(This article is originally shared by Marc in Quora social media. Some edit is done to address to Asian audience).