The highest form of morality is said to consist of judgments that are based on internalized principles of justice, and the central question of moral development theory is how individuals develop internalized controls over behavior (Wilson, 1983) . In the world of psychology, the tests of the stage concept have shown that morally mature people generally show greater consistency and greater ability to disregard situational factors than do amoral individuals. And on the other hand the inhibitions with regard to cheating are greater for the morally mature, less for those who are highly allegiant, and far less for the amoral, whose behavior is clearly contingent upon punishment, rewards, group status, and obligations (Wilson, 1983) .
There is a study which is undertaken by Professor Adrian Beck and Matt Hopkins from the University of Leicester in England (Deccan Herald, 2016) . The study says that the use of self-service lanes and smartphone apps to make purchases generated a loss rate of nearly 4 percent, more than double the average. This is related to the technology which encourages purchasers to do self-service check outs of items to make their shopping convenient and speed. The study says that this scheme is turning even law-abiding shoppers into petty thieves by giving them “ready-made excuses” to take merchandise without paying. This research is not around the countries who are deemed to be poor and economically weak. Instead, this is about the developed countries such as United States, Britain and other European countries. This is a statement which is made by the researchers, “Retailers could find themselves accused of making theft so easy that some customers who would normally — and happily — pay are tempted to commit crime, especially when they feel ‘'justified’ in doing it”. The study examined nearly 12 million shopping trips from four retailers in Britain, two in the United States and one each in Belgium and the Netherlands between December 2013 and February 2015.
When we see some of these issues in our schools, neighborhood and communities what do we think about and whom do we blame. What has lead them to be justified in doing this act. Are there some basic abilities which are critical for a person to develop moral reasoning? We can list down some of the abilities which Josephine Klein, singles out. Certain abilities which are important in the development of reasoning, are; the ability to abstract and use generalizations, the ability to perceive the world as an ordered universe in which rational action is rewarded, the ability to plan ahead and control gratification (Peters, 1974) . Can these abilities be taught and learnt? If yes, then how these abilities could be internalized. If reasoning is critical for moral development, then what are the components which form capacity to reason.
The article quotes some of the reasons which shoppers offer when they feel they could be guilty for this act. In a behavior known as “neutralizing your guilt,” shoppers may tell themselves that the store is overpriced, so taking an item without scanning is acceptable; or they might blame technology, problems with product bar codes or claim a lack of technical know-how, the report said. The study also quoted one respondent as saying that people who do not normally steal may come to realize that “when I buy 20, I can get five for free.”
The purpose of discussing above matters is not just to highlight the intellects’ problem with moral reasoning or moral dilemma. It is to understand from where does these reasons generate. How the influencers such as genetic, social, and personal factors are contributing. How the parenting and schooling could answer these developmental issues and challenges. Could we see ray of hope on what Moshe Blatt has demonstrated, ‘the moral discussion could influence development’ (Power, 1981) . How the dry theory subjects of moral science at school could be turned as discussion forums on these issues? And how the regular subject teachers like, Mathematics and social studies could also use some worthy occasions to open up these discussions in classrooms.
Maaz Mohammed A.Q.
The Author is a Learning strategist at Credence Learning Foundation.
Deccan Herald. (2016, 08 15).
Retrieved from
LEARNING . Oxford Journals.
Power, C. (1981). Moral Education Through the
Development of The Moral Atmosphere of The School. Faculty of Education,
University of Calgary.
Wilson, R. W. (1983). Moral Development and
Political Change . Cambridge University Press and Trustees of Princeton