One fine morning I skid from my bike and fell off on the road and my forehead part hit the road. To my luck I was wearing a Full cover ISI mark helmet, I got hurt only a little on my knee. When I checked my helmet there were scratches on the helmet, if I wasn't wearing a helmet these scratches would have been on my face instead of helmet. I used to think a lot about what are the rules for. And on this day of my skidding when I introspected, I realised that rules are for us. In this article we will try to understand morality in the light of this incident.
We are understanding ‘moral’ in general approach where we have to be moral and ethical in order to maintain the social order (Shaffer & Kipp , 2010) . The social order where an individual is being socially responsible and following the directions set by his family, community or state, but with rationality. Let us understand social order through an example: In many cities it is a Government order that a Motor bike rider should wear a helmet. The government has a larger agenda to save its citizens’ lives from accidents, and to meet this agenda one among various precautions is wearing a helmet. An individual may not like this, thinking it as burden, hair style will spoil, it will cause hair fall and so on. The government has put forth this rule to meet the social order and the rider has to follow helmet rule to maintain the social order. If the government tries to maintain social order by putting penalty for not wearing helmet then in moral sense it could be, uncooperative, fearful, and control. If on the other hand the government morally convey the value of helmet through education, in the sense make them think rationally, then it is moral education to maintain social order, whereby both the parties are in conscious agreement (Maaz, 2015).
What is the importance of social order? The Sociocultural morality is a network of rules and roles that govern relations between individuals in a system. According to [Kurtines (1984) work used by (Swarthout, 1988) ], morality functions to preserve the fabric of interdependent behaviour necessary for the accomplishment of system goals. In other words, the network of rules and roles that characterizes morality at the sociocultural level serves to maintain system integration (Swarthout, 1988) . Morality is important to understand the social order, the moral development will help the individual to understand the principles which guide morality. Straughan describes moral development as put by (Devine, 2006) ‘What determines the level of moral development a person is at is not the particular action he judges to be right or wrong, but his reasons for so judging’.