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Snippets : - We have a tendency to absorb what we’re witnessing and that it has an impact on our body and brain. - Researchers have a name for that high we get from witnessing human goodness:  “moral elevation.”   - It appears that moral elevation inspires altruism (regard for others) because of a mixture of arousal and the desire to protect others.  - Moral elevation inspires optimism, and makes people want to be a better person and to  act altruistically  toward others. - As per one finding, moral elevation has a positive effect on people regardless of background. By: Jill Suttie Click to read full article from source:

The story of a brave Indian doctor:

Snippets- - This story is about a doctor who broke the professional barriers to serve. - Dr Omkar Hota’s is a heart-warming story of what human empathy can do.  - The 31-year-old doctor put the woman, Subham Marse, on a cot and ably helped by her husband, the duo trekked for three hours through the inhospitable terrains of Chitrakonda block so that they could reach the nearest public health centre (PHC) at Papulur. - Finally he helped save the life of a mother and a newborn. Click the link to read full story: Source: The New Indian express, 5th November 2017, Online news source.

Schools as contributors towards world peace:

Snippets : - The problems facing our world demand a wholistic education that has peace as a core value.  - For children, peace education then, is about fostering creativity to use new ideas to solve the old problems and conflicts their elders face. - How peace building could be practised at school level. For Example, for situations of bullying in schools, the curriculum could be introduced for development of empathy, practicing dialogue skills, and examining their misunderstandings that lead to hurtful discrimination and exclusion. - Shifting language from aggressive and domineering to harmonizing and peaceful promotes empathy early on. Click to read full article from source :

Will your sharing in social media make someone happy?

All about your sharing in social media: Here is something that absolutely no one wants to hear, but it's true, (In fact, that is probably why they don't want to hear it). Here it is: Stop posting your entire life on social media. Like anything else, social media can be great as long as you use it in moderation. Here is why it is so bad; 95% of posts are simply people humblebragging. That picture of you having a great meal in the restaurant is really you saying “I'm here and you are not” That picture of you all dressed up at that formal event is really you saying “I'm so pretty right now and you are not.” Is it good to have self esteem? Absolutely! Is it ok to share picture of yourself having fun? You bet! But, the constant barrage of these posts just make other people feel worse about themselves. In turn, those people feel the need to post more pictures of themselves to get that validation that they too are special, …And around and around it g...

Give life some Water:

_The Abundance Principle_ :  Once a man got lost in a desert. The water in his flask had run out two days ago, and he was on his last legs. He knew that if he didn't get some water soon, he would surely die. The man saw a small hut ahead of him. He thought it would be a mirage or maybe a hallucination, but having no other option, he moved toward it. As he got closer, he realized it was quite real. So he dragged his tired body to the door with the last of his strength. The hut was not occupied and seemed like it had been abandoned for quite some time. The man entered into it, hoping against hope that he might find water inside. His heart skipped a beat when he saw what was in the hut - a water hand pump...... It had a pipe going down through the floor, perhaps tapping a source of water deep under-ground. He began working the hand pump, but no water came out. He kept at it and still nothing happened. Finally he gave up from exhaustion and frustration. He threw up his hands in des...

'The collapse of education is the collapse of the Nation':

One of the University lecturers wrote an expressive message to his students at the doctorate, masters and bachelors level and placed it at the college entrance in the university in south Africa. And this is the message; *"Collapsing any Nation does not require use of Atomic bombs or the use of Long range missiles. But it requires lowering the quality of Education and allowing cheating in the exams by the students".* The patient dies in the hands of the doctor who passed his exams through cheating. And the buildings collapse in the hands of an engineer who passed his exams through cheating. And the money is lost in the hands of an accountant who passed his exams through cheating. And humanity dies in the hands of a religious scholar who passed his exams through cheating. And justice is lost in the hands of a judge who passed his exams through cheating. And ignorance is rampant in the minds of children who are under the care of a teacher who passed exams throug...

How Adults Communicate Bias to Children? A child can catch prejudice from grown-ups through nonverbal behavior:

Snippets : - Negative biases can be conveyed through gestures, body language, and facial expressions—and that children pick up on these nonverbal cues to form their own biases. - Even small gestures of preferential treatment—when multiplied over many interactions—are likely to make an impact on kids over time. - By knowing how prejudice spreads, we may be able to figure out how to avoid perpetuating it in future generations. - This awareness may alert parents and teachers as to how their behaviors—and not just their words—affect children, so that they might try to be more aware of their own body language and aim for kinder treatment towards all kids. Click to read from source : If unable to open, paste the below link to browser: