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Showing posts from February, 2016

Character of a student in Islam

Man is superior to all the creations of Allah. A man can think, reflect, decide and act upon and execute various duties. The education makes man understand various paths in life. Allah says in Quran that he has created things in pairs- Male and female, Day and Night, and likewise Allah has created two paths for a man- one is good and other one is bad. The good way is Allah’s and the bad way is Satan’s. Thus it is our responsibility as a student to understand what is good for us and what is bad for us. Holy Prophet has shown us path for success in every situation of life. Thus we as a student should take the responsibility of following the teachings of Holy Prophet. We as a student spend at least 30 to 40% of our life time in education institutions. And it is our responsibility to build our character as per the commandments of Allah and the teachings of Holy Prophet. Holy Prophet has taught us the lessons for all the state of affairs. Let us see two traits of a good student- (1) T