I am writing this piece to gather your views and spread awareness, please write your comments. As I feel that it is something followed undemocratically, without our choice almost at every public place the sitting style toilet (famously called western toilet) is being installed. We sometimes see shoe steps of the people on toilet seats on which we sit and some times the excretory (shit) is stuck on the seat or on water spray handle. Indian style toilet vs sitting style toilet: It has been argued that squatting (Indian toilet style) is "the only natural defecation posture". 'A sitting posture may increase diverticulosis of the colon. The magnitude of straining during defecation is at least three times greater than with the squatting posture'. Initially in many places the sitting toilets were used for patients and handicaps. In modernity 'Sitting style' toilet is perceived as elite status. I am not completely against this modern concept. If we can complete...
Think moral. Change is you...