- Have you ever thought about why we have to send our children to school? Do we have the choice not to school our child? The school is considered so holy that there is no life without school. The school/college is more important than bread, butter, and water. Schools and colleges that we see today are the products of history. In the beginning, for hundreds of thousands of years, children educated themselves through self-directed play and exploration. There were no master plan buildings and closed cages (classrooms) as we see today or been in one of the cages ourselves. In relation to the biological history of us as humans, schools are very recent institutions or the factories of discipline (one of the synonyms of discipline is punishment). The meaning of discipline in English is ‘the practice of training people to obey rules and behave well’. The education system as we know it today is only about 200 years old. Before that, formal education was mostly reserved for the rich. B...
Think moral. Change is you...