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Showing posts from December, 2019

A devoted father attitude in an African Bullfrog:

Source: Youtube. The African bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adspersus) is the biggest frog in Africa and very aggressive. But in spite of that, it's a devoted father. Bullfrogs spawn in little pools around the margins of larger ponds and after mating is over one male stays to keep watch over the newly hatched tadpoles. If the pool begins to dry up the dutiful dad digs a channel to a new water source. Click to watch a small video The greatest gift I ever had came from God; I call him Dad! ~ Author Unknown

'One Nation, Many worlds'-

I have a very positive feeling about the bonding we Indians have. Overall we have got strong bonding, brotherhood between cultures and communities. India represents so many cultures. It's unique in the world by representing multiple cultures. The tourism department of Karnataka uses the tagline, ' One state, Many worlds', I would like to borrow these words for the nation and say India is 'One Nation, Many worlds'. A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people. The unique culture of each sub group is seen in the beauty of their food, clothing, social behaviour, and so on. India is not only a country, it's a sub-continent. In the whole world we Indians represent, more than entire Europe and Australia put together. Our people out there run the few biggest companies on earth (Ex: Google, Microsoft). Every culture is special and unique in its own sense. In other words, it's a beauty in itself. Preservation of one's own culture doe...

कितना बदल गया इनसान कितना बदल गया इनसान:

देख तेरे संसार की हालत क्या हो गई भगवान कितना बदल गया इनसान कितना बदल गया इनसान सूरज न बदला चांद न बदला ना बदला रे आसमान कितना बदल गया इनसान कितना बदल गया इनसान आया समय बड़ा बेढंगा आज आदमी बना लफ़ंगा कहीं पे झगड़ा कहीं पे दंगा नाच रहा नर हो कर नंगा छल और कपट के हाथों अपना बेच रहा ईमान, कितना ... राम के भक्त रहीम के बंदे रचते आज फ़रेब के फंदे कितने ये मक्कर ये अंधे देख लिये इनके भी धंधे इन्हीं की काली करतूतों से बना ये मुल्क मशान, कितना ... जो हम आपस में न झगड़ते बने हुए क्यों खेल बिगड़ते काहे लाखों घर ये उजड़ते क्यों ये बच्चे माँ से बिछड़ते फूट-फूट कर क्यों रोते प्यारे बापू के प्राण, कितना ... Source: received through WhatsApp message