When we look at many of our inner beliefs and its actual action in our lives, we find ourselves to be hypocrites. It’s very easy to praise a concept and preach it, but the challenge is when we start implementing in our life. Today there is a lot of discussion about feminism. This is discussed in corporate offices, educational institutions, and political arenas and so on. Let us try to understand the concept of feminism. Feminism refers to the belief that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men. It tries to define, establish and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality for men and women. We can discuss in length on the topic whether feminism should be understood in terms of equality or equity. Let us not discuss equality and equity now. We can keep it for another occasion. Practically feminism includes seeking to establish educational, social and professional opportunities equally for men and women. And also feminism focuses on basic co...
Think moral. Change is you...