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Showing posts from January, 2016

Subconscious influences on our children:

The children are very matured, able and intelligent than we think. Its our responsibility to give our children an environment where they can grow in a natural way. In a cartoon channel called DisneyXD there is a cartoon series called 'chorrpolice'. Where thief wins and the police man fails most of the times. In rational societies stealing is considered as immoral and an act of harm on others. Through these kind of cartoons if we target our young brains with these kind of entertainment and messages, what kind of influences and impact will they have in their lives. Some studies reveal that for most of the human activities 95% of backing is done by our subconscious and only 5% is driven by our conscious. And it is said that even when we are asleep, our sub consciousness will still be active recording things. We need not move mountains, we just need to make way through it. It is an easy job of just changing our perception and attitude. In this case if the same cartoon is shown i...

A smart and shabby guy on the platform:

     I was returning from an assignment from Maharashtra state in India. On the way in the Dound railway station a young and shabby looking person came across the window asking for Alms. He was covering his body with a blanket. It looked like he was hiding something under the blanket. Out of curiosity I asked him what was that. He just took off the blanket and there was a plastic sheet. I asked him what was that, he said this was his bed sheet to sleep in the dark cold nights. After this dialogue between us, I for sure believed that he is a very fit man. Then I asked his name. He uttered his name. I asked him where he is from. He said that he belongs to a village in Maharashtra. And he does not have shadow of his parents on him anymore. He has a brother back in the village who works on the agricultural field. The turning point of our discussion is when he said that he had reached 12th standard in his education. I asked him why does not he work somewhere. He sa...